【美国经典手机卡】Tello eSIM 购买与写入到5ber SIM卡 - 山河资讯

该视频教程将教会大家:美国电话卡该如何选择?如何购买tello esim,如何用5ber扫入tello esim,如何开启Wi-Fi calling功能,如何使用tello app。

What's eSIM and how does it work?

Tello eSIMs are free and you can instantly activate your Tello service online with just a quick QR code scan

Tello eSIM 是免费的,您只需快速扫描二维码即可立即在线激活您的 Tello 服务

You can have two phone lines on the same device, like your personal and business line


If you're traveling abroad, you can buy a local SIM card, insert it in your device and still use Tello's eSIM


How do I order and activate my Tello eSIM?
如何订购和激活我的 Tello eSIM?

Before ordering an eSIM please check if your device is eSIM compatible. If the answer is YES, then go ahead and place the order. Login to My Account - My SIM section and scan the QR code with your phone's camera. Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network as you will need a steady Wi-Fi connection to complete the eSIM activation. Please note that once you start the activation process your Tello service will be temporarily inactive. Don't worry, your service will resume once the eSIM is active on your device.

在订购 eSIM 之前,请检查您的设备是否兼容 eSIM。如果答案是肯定的,请继续下订单。登录到“我的帐户 - 我的SIM卡”部分,然后用手机的摄像头扫描二维码。确保您已连接到 Wi-Fi 网络,因为您需要稳定的 Wi-Fi 连接才能完成 eSIM 激活。请注意,一旦您开始激活过程,您的Tello服务将暂时处于非活动状态。不用担心,一旦 eSIM 在您的设备上处于活动状态,您的服务就会恢复。

Tello eSIM:https://tello.com/buy/esim

5ber SIM卡申请地址:https://esim.5ber.com/?utm_source=Y9sv13

用户通过上方链接申请5ber SIM卡,可以获得优惠10%




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